C is for Chilly Celebrities

It’s almost as if desperate fangirls (you know, people who are very definitely not me…) the world over got together in order to collectively pray very hard for something incredibly specific. And their wish was rather miraculously granted. Somehow someone out there in the endless cosmos who was struck by a feeling of fond indulgence decided to oblige the masses by the fulfilment of their deepest darkest fantasy. Celebrities (and others the world round) are dousing themselves in sudden showers of icy water. In the name of promoting the profile of some disease or charity. Or something.

Of course I’m messing, I know that this is a viral campaign in the name of raising awareness of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (oh marvel at my fancy words) with the hope of funnelling donation money into the research being carried out regarding this condition. See? I don’t get remotely distracted by abs. Certainly not glisteningly prominent ones neatly wrapped in sopping wet white T shirts that have gone conveniently see through. I’d never be so shallow. It’s a neat idea though, you have to hand it to whoever came up with it. Or maybe you’re distinctly joyless due to the shard of disinterest lodged deep within your heart. Who can tell? It’s not as if I really know you all that well.

It’s a puff piece really, an opportunity for fun. I’m definitely enjoying it rather a lot more than all that no make up selfie nonsense. It’s true that I’m about as likely to get involved (that likelihood is about as close to zero as you can possibly get, just in case any of you were wondering) with this one but I respect it a whole lot more. There’s something more noble and effortful about this one, you can pretty much guarantee that it’s something someone in their right mind really wouldn’t want to do if there wasn’t some other compelling reason. More I say, bring on the chilly celebrities in their droves.

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